About Wolf's Covenant Church
Welcome to Wolf's Covenant Church
Here at Wolf’s Covenant Church we celebrate building a deeper relationship with Jesus and with each other. If you are a long-time believer or new to faith, we offer a safe space to come and engage our faith as we explore and grow together. Please join us for worship in the sanctuary every Sunday at 10 am.
Who Are We?
We are a “Christ-centered family church” with a desire “to connect people on their faith journey so that life in Christ flourishes”. We are part of the Evangelical Covenant Church, a Protestant denomination, tied to the Swedish reformed movement. We look to respect our past, enjoy our present and anticipate our future as a place to introduce people to, worship and develop a living relationship with God and Jesus Christ.
Why Wolf's Covenant Church?
Wolf’s Covenant Church is a community of believers, growing in faith and deeper in their relationship with Jesus. While we grow and learn together, we are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus and His story with the world around us.
Meet Our Staff
The church staff is comprised of a Senior Pastor, Administrative Assistant, Youth and Family Director, Coordinator of Music Ministry, Organist, and custodian.
Plan Your Visit
Wolf’s Covenant Church is a community of all ages and walks of life, committed to following Jesus Christ.
What's Happening at Wolf's Church
Check-in here for upcoming events, concerts, service projects, special services, and gatherings where we always have a warm welcome for you.