Youth Ministries at Wolf's Church

Youth Ministry

Students in 6th through 12th grade can dive into living their faith journey as we Thr!ve in Christ!

Youth Group
6th through 12th grade students are invited to join us weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, when we will gather to play some games, share some food and laughs, and really dive into God’s Word and the Christian life together.


Events For Teens
Whether it’s an outdoor movie night and campfire, snowtubing, a bike tour, a weekend retreat, or a corn maze trip, there’s always something going on around Thr!ve Youth Ministries! Each month we plan and feature special seasonal events specifically geared towards teens to engage them in community as we live out the Christian life together. Be sure to check out the calendar and newsletter for upcoming events that we have and even follow us on Instagram @thrive1010 to see what’s coming up soon!


Confirmation and Sunday School
Sunday Mornings
Youth in 7th-12th grade meet for Sunday School on Sundays before the service from 8:45-9:45am.

  • Youth meets downstairs in the youth room. There will be coffee/snack time from 8:45-9:00 and then an interactive lesson time for the remainder. Right Now Media has lots of great video series we draw from.
  • Confirmation for our 7-8th graders is offered as needed.
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    Director of Youth and Family Ministries
    This position is open. Click the link below for more information!

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram @thrive1010 to stay up to date with all that’s happening around here with Thr!ve Youth Ministries!

    Children's Ministries

    Children's Ministries

    Children and families are an important part of our church life at Wolf’s Covenant Church. We seek to be an intergenerational church that welcomes all ages to our church.

    Adult Ministry

    Adult Ministry

    We believe Adult Sunday School is a powerful tool that connects our members with each other and builds their relationship with Jesus.

    Plan Your Visit

    Plan Your Visit

    Wolf’s Covenant Church is a community of all ages and walks of life, committed to following Jesus Christ.