Missions & Outreach

About Our Missions

The members of Wolf’s Covenant Church are involved in many missions and outreach programs throughout the year. Please click below for current information. An example of some of the missions we support and serve are: Harvest of Hope Food Pantry, Veteran’s Helping Hands, York County Prison Bible Ministry, Holiday Bazaar, ECC East Coast Sea Farers Mission, ECC Missionaries, and Life Path Christian Ministries.

New England Seafarers Mission:
NESM « East Coast Conference

LifePath Christian Ministries:
LifePath Christian Ministries (lifepathyork.org)

ECC Denomination and East Coast Conference:
The Evangelical Covenant Church | Home - The Evangelical Covenant Church (covchurch.org) and East Coast Conference

York Prison Ministry and Bible Jar:
Prison | York County, PA (yorkcountypa.gov) and Good News Jail and Prison Ministry | Bringing Hope to the forgotten

Harvest of Hope Food Pantry: 4485 Wolfs Church Rd, York, PA 17408 (717) 792-6070

Veterans Helping Hand:
Home - Veteran's Helping Hand (comcastbiz.net)
