Adult Ministries at Wolf's Church
Adult Sunday School Classes
Adults meet for Sunday School before the worship service from 8:45-9:45am in the fellowship hall. We believe Adult Sunday School is a powerful tool that connects our members with each other and builds their relationship with Jesus. The format for Wolf’s Adult Sunday School is a combination of lectures and biblical-based videos. RightNow Media, which is available to all members for at-home viewing, offers the class a variety of study topics via video and discussion to help them grow in their knowledge and love for God.
Wolf's Covenant Church February 2023 Newsletter and Calendar
Children's Ministries
Children and families are an important part of our church life at Wolf’s Covenant Church. We seek to be an intergenerational church that welcomes all ages to our church.
Youth Ministry
Students in 6th through 12th grade can dive into living their faith journey as we Thr!ve in Christ!
Plan Your Visit
Wolf’s Covenant Church is a community of all ages and walks of life, committed to following Jesus Christ.